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0day Today  Market Exploitów i Baza Exploitów 0day

Usługa Testów Bezpieczeństwa dla Witryn i Serwerów

Secure and confidential scanning
Nothing to download or install
No interruption for your visitors

Components of the PenTest:

Effective evaluation of your site in order to analyze all applicable exploits/vulnerabilities
Tests for SQL Injection (SQLI), XSS, Local/Remote File Inclusion and other exploits/vulnerabilities
Searching and testing of Shells, Rootkits and Backdoors on your server
Installation of patches to correct work with exploits/vulnerabilities
A detailed security report about your website and server
Advice and recommendations from our specialists regarding the reduction of exploits/vulnerabilities on your site 1

To get consultation please contact support
or E-mail: mr.inj3ct0r[at]gmail.com